Happy Holidays! – From Bellevue Kiwanis

It was a week before Christmas and all through the hubbub, everyone was stirring …. especially the Bellevue Kiwanis club! The Kiwanis Holiday party and Toy drive was a ball!  From a yummy dinner to funny gifts, much fun and laughter was had by all.


And in the Kiwanis spirit, a toy box was filled to the brim to share.  Then off to the Fire department Toy Drive for delivery to kids everywhere!


But before our year’s work was done, we wrapped gifts up nice and neat. For a special family in need of a helping hand in making their holiday merry and complete.


As 2016 comes to a close, we appreciate each Kiwanian and our unity.  And give thanks for friends, family and the giving spirit of our community!

Kiwanis Bellevue Club Helps Spread the Wealth

Talk about a trickledown effect – The Kiwanis club of Bellevue makes an annual trek to Carlton Washington and spends the weekend harvesting walnuts donated by the Brown Bear Lodge and the Brown family. Club president Al Shot “We donate the majority of the finished walnuts to our Key Clubs. They will sell them to family and friends with the proceeds helping with their respective club expenses … mostly attending the annual DCON conference”.

The club supports International, Interlake, Newport and Bellevue high school Key Clubs, which last year’s sales, helped with sending 146 students to 2016 DCON.

walnut2016_3The nuts are hand packed by the club and will be available in mid-November – just in time for a favorite meal, hostess gift or office party. They are said to be the absolute sweetest tasting walnuts EVER since they grow in the elevation of Carlton WA … just like the delicious apples from there!

Nothing like nuts to bring folks together – the club played games, cheered for their favorite college football team and had fabulous meals prepared by Lynn Brown’s mother. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL the Kiwanians, family and friends who participated. And especially Lynn Brown’s family who hosted the event. A truly service, social and vacation weekend rolled into one!

Stay tuned and contact us for nuts.

Thank you to our Oct 2016 Casino Night participants, donors and volunteers!!!


Saturday Oct 1st, our Casino Night and Silent Auction raised several thousand dollars, and was monumental for our Club and community. We have new and returning winners in poker and black jack. But in the end, it is our community that is the winner. The success of this event will be turned around to the great benefit of those most in need.


 We want to thank everyone who participated and all of our amazing donors who so generously provided awesome silent auction items –





Casino Night Oct 1, 2016

Please join the Kiwanis Club of Bellevue for  Casino Night on Saturday, October 1st

This is a major fundraiser for our club enabling us to serve the community throughout the year.

The main event is a Texas Hold’em tournament. This time Blackjack will be tournament style just like the poker tournament with a winner’s trophy and prizes for 1st through 3rd place. Play until you run out of chips. Rebuys welcome! At the end, the winners will be determined by who has the most chips.

Download and mail in your registration today. We hope to see you there and thanks.



Thank you ALL BBQ Beef Supporters!


Another successful BBQ Beef fundraiser event July 29th – 31st at the Bellevue Arts and Craft fair. It was perfect weather for cooking up 2,500 pounds of beef and supporting the community with friends and family.  A big thank you to A.J. Ewert for leading this year’s event. And a bigger THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by, made a donation and enjoyed a BBQ Beef sandwich.  We met a lot of nice people, had lots of repeat customers, even one that had been coming since 1972!


Our appreciation goes to all the High School Key Club volunteers for relentlessly slicing, dicing, scooping and wrapping hundreds of BBQ Beef sandwiches, and to those who provided ‘service with a smile’ – it was awesome!  Hat’s off to our grillers who are ‘Grill Masters’ in their own right. And a salute to all the Kiwanians, family and friends who set up, tore down and tote-n-hauled all weekend long. This event wouldn’t be possible without everyone’s commitment to community service!



Congratulations Athletes!!!


Despite the rain, we had a great turn out for the 2016 Highland Games. Teams came from all over, representing Seattle, Tahoma, Ingraham High, Northshore, and more. Athletes participated in multiple track and field events including sprints, competitive walking, relay, shot put, long jump and hurdles. As Sharon said as she completed the first 200 meters of a rainy 400 meter assisted run – “I have to finish” … and finish she did, along with every single athlete participating in each event. A great time was had by all!

Check out the link to pictures and video (courtesy of 631 Post Creative).


Our appreciation goes to Newport High school for opening their track and field. And to all the coaches, athletes, family and friends who weathered the rain to compete and cheer everyone on. We also want to thank all of the amazing volunteers – the high school Key Clubbers, Kiwanians and their families who manned concessions, made hundreds of boxed lunches, officiated each event and presented ribbons. This event wouldn’t be possible without your support!



Thank you to our April 2016 Casino Night participants, sponsors and donors!!!


We are so excited about the results of our Casino Night fundraiser that took place Saturday April 30th at the Highland Community Center.  We had 45 players and some excellent competition.  We raised $4,200.00 for the Kiwanis feeding programs. The night was full of fun, surprises and lots of winners!!


We want to thank all of our amazing sponsors who so generously supported us:



And to our generous donors who made the silent auction a rousing success: